~ Conference in Helsinki (T2'05 Conference) ~
(Date: September 15-16, 2005 in Helsinki, Finland); Location: Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa, Helsinki: Kalastajatorpantie 1

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The web: bottomless cornucopia & immense garbage dump

"The many contradictions of the Web"

Fravia's talk at the T2'05 Conference

September 2005, version 0.95

Introduction (Cornucopia of garbage)
The web: a sticky quicksand (Exploits & searching rules)
Bigbrother hyper-control & Easy Anonymity (You'r your neighbor)
Many new search engines (yet everyone uses google)
Books & co (rapidshare & "long strings" approaches)
Journals & scientific articles searching contradictions
Examples of "web-multidepth" (how deep is deep?)
Conclusions (STFW)
Disappeared sites    Netcraft    -- Structure of the web    FFF    Music    Anti-EULA   
Bk:flange of myth       Languages      Rose      webbits!      Assignement

Quick forms
 Always 100 rez, safe off
 search   100 rez
Find this Phrase 100 rez
 e.g. {frsh=86} {popl=13} {mtch=80}  
Da biggest index?

This file dwells at http://www.searchlores.org/Helsinki_.htm
For best results use a Opera browser on a 17' screen

The web: Cornucopia of garbage

Structure of the Web

First of all, excuse my English, please, which in fact is not even my first foreign language.

I am honored to be here and to have been asked to open this conference. The title of my own contribution is "The web: bottomless cornucopia & immense garbage dump", and in fact, as we will see, the web is both: a shallow cornucopia of emptiness and a deep mine of jewels, hidden underneath tons of commercial garbage.

This contradiction is only apparent: only slaves and patsy zombies are bound to wade up to their neck in the commercial mud that infests the web. Once you learn how to search, the "cosmic power" of a seeker will allow you to cut through the web and find all the fruits of the cornucopia.
Rhetorical grandstanding? You'll judge by yourself afterwards.

This will be a talk about contradictions. I will try to fulfill the impossible task of pointing out some of these contradictions and -at the same time- show some effective web-searching techniques, that will (should) allow anyone interested to take advantage from some of the very contradictions we will see.

The organizers of this event have chosen to give me two slots, therefore I will keep this introduction on a more "general" tone, and follow tomorrow with a more "concrete" oriented workshop.
Hence those that wont be too bored today may chose to participate tomorrow to my "FFF Wizardry: Finding forbidden fruits" workshop, while those among you that will have had enough of this searching stuff will be able to switch to other talks.

Having two opportunities to talk to you is also convenient because I intend to touch MANY different search-related fileds, maybe too many.
Most talks in this kind of conferences are (correctly) incentrated on some specific aspects. This one will -instead- touch many different facets. I would like to show you -today and tomorrow- a BROAD palette of searching techniques: many different ways to fetch your targets. It will be up to you, later on your own, to decide which ones you want to deepen and which ones may rest aside or be forgotten.

A caveat: some of the things we will see together today and tomorrow may prove useful to the "security" community, yet they could be misinterpreted as 'malicious', 'inconvenient' or even 'slightly illegal' in some "copyright obsessed" countries.
I am not, strictly speaking, a "security expert", rather a sort of 'insecurity' buff.

Please also note that I'm not always going to be politically correct, a severe handicap of mine. For instance I understand "copyright" as just "the right to copy" as much as one fancies. I may be wrong, of course, but that's how I understand it :-)

Yet I'll disclaim it now (and only once): I am a seeker and I just explain how to search the web. And the web is full of "copyrighted material" and of many other weird things.
So take note: I do not condone, nor promote, patents' infringement (a diffuse practice that some useless lobbysts dare to call "piracy"). The web is quite international, yet every country has its own -different- petty provincial laws. So get acquinted with the laws used during each historical contingence in each little "country" you happen to live in, and do respect them, or else move elsewhere: the world is big.
If you do respect laws (and this is of course up to you), some of the queries listed below should not be used in some countries. You have been warned. Enough: people should *always* respect laws, even the most stupid ones, or they should try to change those laws. Breaking laws "from below" may be fun, but is mostly rather silly: clever people (and all sorts of expensive lawyers) find loopholes instead.

Also -as you can see- no powerpoint in my talks: there's no need to turn everything into a sales pitch, and with powerpoint even the few pre-chewed "ideas", hidden inside the bambinesque noise, are simplified to the point that they become redundant and unclear.

We'll use good ole html instead. If anyone misses powerpoint, he may be comforted knowing that he will at least be able to follow this talk on his own screen.

Enough clichés: I would like to examine, with you, some of the most startling contradictions of the web. It isn't just a matter of curiosity: such findings may give us some clues about future developments, and -as we will see- may even help us to improve a little our searching skills: as you may know, knowing WHERE TO FIND an answer is tantamount to knowing the answer itself. And today's Internet is a truly huge concoction: everything that can be digitized is there, from music to images, from documents to books, from software to confidential memos.

The stake is very high: if we learn to search effectively (and evaluate correctly our findings) the entire human knowledge will become available, at our command and disposal, no matter where, or how, somebody may have "hidden" our targets.

Most searching techniques are -a posteriori- very simple. Build on your own on them and you wont need no-one no-more to explain you anything: you'll always quickly fetch your own signals among the heavy commercial noise that contaminates and infects the web.

To search and to fetch our targets we will use most of the time simple querystrings. Here an example, useful to fetch -of course for free- a very good 'anti-streaming' application (more on anti-streaming techniques later and tomorrow): red 

("wares" OR "warez" OR "appz" OR "gamez" OR "abandoned" OR "pirate" OR "war3z") ("download" OR "ftp" OR "index of" OR "cracked" OR "release" OR "full") ("nfo" OR "rar" OR "zip" OR "ace") +"total recorder"

+"Stream Down" +("wares" OR "warez" OR "appz" OR "gamez" OR "abandoned" OR "pirate" OR "war3z") ("download" OR "ftp" OR "index of" OR "cracked" OR "release" OR "full") ("nfo" OR "rar" OR "zip" OR "ace")

+StreamDown ("wares" OR "warez" OR "appz" OR "gamez" OR "abandoned" OR "pirate" OR "war3z") ("download" OR "ftp" OR "index of" OR "cracked" OR "release" OR "full") ("nfo" OR "rar" OR "zip" OR "ace")

Btw, note how useful such a querystring can be even WITHOUT specifying the software you want to fetch (in this case +"Stream Down"):

("wares" OR "warez" OR "appz" OR "gamez" OR "abandoned" OR "pirate" OR "war3z") ("download" OR "ftp" OR "index of" OR "cracked" OR "release" OR "full") ("nfo" OR "rar" OR "zip" OR "ace").

Please note that there's no point in 'writing down' such a querystring: try instead to understand the reasons behind the querystrings we will see together, don't just count on them as they are: the specific arrows we will launch today will not remain "sharp" for long.
Every-time I use a querystring to make a point during a lecture, that same querystring is often re-used many times over a very short time span, thus 'affecting' the web with a sort of schroedinger's cat effect: once you open the box and show it, the querystring may be dead.
Like arrows, our new sharp querystrings -once used- slowly become blunt. Do not worry: your skill and understanding of the web will allow you to produce new, sharper ones: as many as you want.

Another interesting contradiction of a commercial infested web is that those very databases that have been created in order to sell (or to hoard) files (huge repositories of music files, books, images, software, you name it) lay open , or -ahem- "next to open", at our disposal, once we learn some basic searching skills.
I have found such default accounts with their default passwords in almost every database I have visited. Most admins allow such accounts to exists, whereby seekers (in fact any attacker) can easily gain access. Often these default accounts also have critical system privileges which should be of some interest for such a security oriented audience. I am sure you are all aware of the Borland Interbase's "politically correct" exploit. Here for instance, another interesting list of oracle_default_passwords.

The web was made for SHARING, not for selling and not for hoarding, so -as we will see- its very "building bricks" deny to the commercial vultures the possibility of enslaving parts of it. This is but one of many www-contradictions.

But we do not have always to resort to 'tricks': the 'real' web of knowledge is still alive and kicking, albeit unconfortably buried underneath the sterile sands of the commercial desert. This is very important for seekers, it means that we have a 'double' edge: we can exploit more or less freely all commercial repositories and we are able to quickly find the relevant scientific public ones.

A quick look at what the web looks like from a searcher's point of view may prove useful before continuing.
Some points:

From most of the above, we can easily understand that getting rid of the "commercial noise" is not an option, when searching effectively the web, it is a PRIORITY.

The web: a sticky quicksand
Exploits & searching rules

get root with old stuff


Once upon a time, with most search engines, you could eliminate all those crap "*.com" sites adding the simple snippet -"*.com" in your querystrings.
Nowadays -for google- it does not work anymore: you have to use the ad hoc -site:com specifier.

To make an example that some of you will enjoy, the banal querystring +("ddos attack" OR "Denial-of-service attack") gives you (now) 739,000 results. Can we do better? Yes of course... let's kill all those useless "com" sites: +("ddos attack" OR "Denial-of-service attack") -site:com : 316,000 results (now), mucho more cleano.

I specified (now) because, yes, results amount diverge A LOT in different moments, could depend from servers' overload or from the moon phase :-)

Some of you would probably think: great, then this is the way to go... just guess a correct queryterms sequence and eliminate the ".com" sites, how simple and elegant...
Maybe when starting a broad 'el cheapo' search, but for a serious work on ddos attacks you may find more relevant signal using specific SCHOLAR search engines (and limiting the query to the most recent months):
ddos "june | july | august | september" +2005" This is a MUCH more useful ddos query
However this is all simple googling: seeking, once more, is NOT (or only in part) made using the main search engines.

In order to understand searching strategies, a lore which you'll find relevant for your security hobbies and for your real life as well, you have to grasp not only how the web looks like, but also how the web-tides move.
First of all the web is at the same time extremely static AND a quicksand, an oxymoron? No, just another of the many contradictions we will see today.

See: Only less than one half of the pages available today will be available next year.
Hence, after a year, about 50% of the content on the Web will be new. The Quicksand.
Yet, out of all pages that are still available after one year (one half of the web), half of them (one quarter of the web), have not changed at all during the year. The static aspect

Those are the "STICKY" pages.
Henceforth the creation of new pages is a much more significant source of change on the Web than the changes in the existing pages. Coz relatively FEW pages are changed: Most Webpages are either taken off the web, or replaced with new ones, or added ex novo.
Given this low rate of web pages' "survival", historical archiving, as performed by the Internet Archive, is of critical importance for enabling long-term access to historical Web content. In fact a significant fraction of pages accessible today will be QUITE difficult to access next year.
But "difficult to access" means only that: difficult to access. In fact those pages will in the mean time have been copied in MANY private mirroring servers. One of the basic laws of the web is that
How to find it, is another matter :-)

Now let's have a small, simple example: another contradiction is the fact that VERY OLD exploits REMAIN ALWAYS VALID and can be used ("The web is a sticky quicksand"): "Linksys wireless internet camera" main.cgi (this is as old as the Cuckoo, but should still work).
So we learn that "Linksys wireless internet camera" has a problem with its main.cgi, Let's search for this inurl:":1024/main.cgi?" and let's exploit it:
changed to
q.e.d. Quod erat demonstrandi.

So where would we seek exploits gathering sites?

I am of course NOT giving to the broad nasty public the real juicy messageboards (you may find them on your own if you learn how to search), yet, for a start, apart well-known oldies like CERT, securityfocus (bugtraq) and so on, you may want to have a look at metasploit, Icat and the awfully USA-oriented Common Vulnerabilities Exposures. But I'm not an exploit expert, and I am sure that my friend Halvar Flake will have a lot to teach us about these matters during this very conference :-)

Simple searching rules

Some simple rules when searching:
  1. always use more than one search engine! "Google alone and you'll never be done!"
    And yet there's a reason, after all, if I'm often (by all means just often) using google for my examples: Indeed it is VERY EASY to understand that google's algos are better than Yahoo's or MSNsearch's ones.
    Security experts could experimentally try the following search:
    making per host attack activity ranking

    (adding making per to the host attack activity ranking query kills some noise)

    Ok, let's have a look on yahoo, on google or on msn and examine the relevance of the results red  see?

  2. Always use lowercase queries! "Lowercase just in case"
    When in doubt, always use lowercase text, even for names. When you use lowercase, the search algos usually find both upper and lowercase results. When you use upper case text, the search algos usually find only upper case results. This is NOT true for google (google assumes all search terms are lowercase and ignores punctuation, hence whatever you input -unfortunately- will be treated as lowercase), but it is still true for most correctly behaving search engines, so adhere to it.
    e;g: When you search for clinton, you'll find clinton, Clinton, CLinton and CLINTON in your result pages. However, when you search for Clinton, only pages containing Clinton will/should appear in the search results.

  3. Go regional! "For Hindi stuff, nothing beats a Hindi search engine:-)" (an online english-Hindi dictionary may prove useful for non-Hindi savvy seekers)
    For instance, for pirated software (and many other things) go chinese, and I do not mean only Baidu and Netease/www.163.com -which have been censored.
    A simple "chinese google" will do: http://www.google.com/intl/zh-cn/, of course you will also need some useful translation tables (more on "languages searching" tomorrow):

    Petit image  (Thanks blewtooth!)

  4. Always use more searchterms, not only one "one-two-three-four, and if possible even more!" (5 words searching);
    A good method is the synecdochical searching approach, the rhetorical or metaphorical substitution of a part for the whole, or vice versa. In this approach the terms you add are synecdochically related to each other, for instance (pure synecdochical) +SERP +"search engines" +relevant, or (semanthic related) paper goatskin parchment vellum, or (historically related) +rouen +("aix-la-Chapelle" OR aachen) +fortunatus... and you may add a date to the last query for the "woah" effect :-) +754 +rouen +("aix-la-Chapelle" OR aachen) +fortunatus.
    Note that -as in the case of ("aix-la-Chapelle" OR aachen)- this synecdochical searching approach is often related to the linguistic approach that we'll examine more in depth tomorrow.

    Basically, you should move from general to particular and from particular to general all the time. From part to whole, from whole to part.

  5. Remember that searching is a PROCESS, made out of different phases. You usually begin with a broad query on some main search engines (more than one). As you pick up information during your search, you will use it to modify or refine your query. Once you have a nice palette of terms related to your target, you can begin to go inside the web through regional searches, specialized searches, irc searching, messageboards searching, target-relatedsearching and so on...
    You need to know something to find out something more.

    And there is a huge difference between the "usual" searches and your own (few) "long term" searches. These are the two/three "searching passions" that anyone has: those targets that he most cherishes, for work or (better) for pleasure. While for the usual "everyday" searches it is true that if you do not find what you are looking for in 15 minutes it probably means that your search strategy is wrong, for any "long term search" a week is not enough, a month is not enough, a year is not enough. For my own searches I fear that my life wont be enough.

    As said: You need to know something to find out something more: this means that for those targets you really cherish you will have to become an expert, both for searching and for evaluation purposes. And -alas- the real world is not a frill/quick "for dummies" abomination :-)

Playing with google

One month ago I visisted Norway: 5 euro in Norwegian money;

And google finds quickly the square root of 176 (7th position)
So does Msnsearch (6 position)
and Yahoo (10th position!)

And if you are into math, there's even a search engine for GREEK PI number sequences (more tha 200 million digits)...

The "long phrase" searchstring again, google is very good for this kind of searching: "Sam stared at his master, who seemed to be speaking to some one who was not there" (scroll down beyond the first usual crap results and just fetch some useful pdf or doc files)

Yahoo has its own syntax as well

Hooo, Yahoo too

Of course we are not limited to google. Each search engine has its own quirks, and Yahoo has its own syntax as well: Note the difference between the last two queries.

MSNsearch has its own syntax as well

MSNsearch, on the other hand, has its own parameters: a normal search: http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=fravia
Site/Domain exclusion/limitation -site:com (or site:org)
Pages linking to a given site link: link:http://www.searchlores.org
Country limitation loc:KR Only in Korea: "internet searching" loc:KR
Language limitation language:it Only in danish: language:da "advanced searching"
And of course the gorgeous MSNsliders: {frsh=78} {popl=18} {mtch=33} "advanced searching" {frsh=78} {popl=18} {mtch=33}

Bigbrother hyper-control & Easy Anonymity
(Wardriving galore)

You'r your neighbor

One of the most startling contradictions of today. Given the current problems with holy crusades and mauros' bombings, and adding to this the congenital urge of every "democracy" to control his citiziens' fingers until the elbows ("people willing to trade their freedom for security deserve neither and will lose both"), ISPs are now bound to keep track of ALL loggings and emails of all their users, burning them on dvds and delivering them at once, for any whimsical reason, to the powers that be.
Even if you encrypt your communications with PGP (and very few people do it) traffic analysis may still reveal what you're doing. That's because the header of your encrypted packets discloses source, destination, size, timing, and so on. Hence a typical ISP logs EVERYTHING and then some: which sites bozo has visited, which pages he has seen, and which images, and how long, and when, and where... Now with a little grepping, a tag of traffic analysis and maybe also adding his credit cards patterns, his airplane-trips & his supermarket fidelity card loggings (and whatnots)... op-la! his complete web-life-personal-political and sanitary-psychological profile is ready and bullet-proof.

Is it?

Nope. In fact the other side of this very interesting contradiction is "wardriving" tor tunneling and pretty good anonymity... red 

A relative guide to anonymity, by fravia+, Version September 2005
  1. buy laptop cash and elsewhere (not with credit cards and not in areas where they know/remember you)
  2. wardrive in another part of the town, not the one you live in
  3. download only, if you upload, upload with care just upload anonymous things or PGP encrypted stuff and use tor tunneling
  4. rotate your wifi card mac address at every access point: I use "Macmakeup"
  5. use wardriving laptop ONLY FOR THAT, no personal data whatsoever on it
  1. Find speedy, beefy first wifi accesspoint with netstumbler: there are so many unprotected at all that you don't even need to bother firing a wep-packets-analyzer to crack their weak WEP-encryptions
  2. connect, browse, download, all shields down, javascript, java, the whole bazaar: who cares?
  3. ISP "A" will register everything "he" does.
  4. work half an hour, download the helluja out of it, upload with care
  5. walk/drive ten meters: change access point
  6. ISP "B" will now register everything "another he" does.
  7. work half an hour, download the helluja out of it, upload with care
  8. walk/drive ten meters: change access point
  9. ...repeat at leisure...
  10. (reformat hard disk -or, better, restore image- every week or so, just in case)
  11. next day another part of the town, or another town :-)
  12. and so on...

So it is incredibly easy to be 'somebody else' and then whomever wants to reconstruct your activities will have to find (and path-reconstruct and join) quite a lot of different people loggings. As I said in any big town you just need to move ten meters to find another access point (a different person, a different ISP). I made myself a small experiment: walking (15 minutes) from my home to my workplace I found -lo and behold- 136 different access points: more than one half of them without WEP encryption at all (as if it would matter).

WEP encryption is a joke, and anyone using Kismet for GNU-Linux (source code here) or Retina Wi-Fi scanner for Windoze can bypass it pretty quickly. Traffic Injection, as my friend Cedric Blanchard pointed out a couple of months ago in Montreal, has dramatically decreased WEP cracking achievement time. And of course any 'Security professional' (and any 'Insecurity professional') should in my opinion have a look at Biondi's Scapy.
But the real bigbrother/anonymiy contradiction is that there is not even the need to bypass weak WEP-encryptions: you'll find a plethora of completely open access points everywhere.

Provided you are a tag careful whit your personal data -especially when uploading- and provided you remember that THERE ARE MANY OTHER IDENTIFIERS in your box -and not only your wifi MAC_address- you may browse the web with some amount of relative anonymity.

Yep, what you saw was Belarc Advisor, one of the many 'Audit/snooping' tools you may find useful to play with.

Many new search engines & everyone uses google
"Google alone and your search is never done"

The main search engines DO NOT overlap a lot

We will go deeper into non-main search engines searching techniques tomorrow. In order to search effectively a seeker must first of all master the main search engines. The most important ones are, at the moment, google, msn and yahoo, but all the s.e. listed in my Bk:flange of myth  are imho important (and I think we should at least add gigablast and exalead to this not-exhaustive list.

But let's start with google, at a well deserved number one position. If you'r using google for web-searching purposes (not for images or news finding), you may choose to use an IP-address instead of the http://www.google.com URL. For instance one of the many real "googles" that wont redirect you to your provincial crap, as it happens when you use http://www.google.com URL.

The main reason google is more effective than most other search engines is its ability to correctly nuke all variations of a given URL that are dynamically generated from the same clown-server, a well-known SEOs spammer trick.

Search engine result quality is in fact FIRST a function of how the index is created. Even so google's results are still HEAVILY SPAMMED, but the added bonus of such an approach, even under heavy spam-flak, is a much more cleano results list than anybody else.

This said, search engine result quality is of course ALSO a function of how the algorithms weight the results. So after eliminating dupes and fake URLs you still have to apply sound algos in order to fetch relevant results.

The main reason you should use more than one main search engine is that search engines overlap FAR less than you would think. Recent studies (For instance Dogpile, April 2005) point out that around 3/4 of the results of a given search are UNIQUE for each search engine.

So, please, do remember, every-time you pavlovianically use google to search, that each main search engine’s results are largely unique: "Google alone and your search is never done".

Yahoo versus Google
"My index's bigger than yours, nah, nah, nah, nah"

I have prepared these data - that you wont find on the web elsewhere- for this Helsinki conference. They demonstrate that -for the main search engines- index size is only loosely (and peraphs inversely :-) related to the quality of results returned
One month ago (August 2005) Yahoo announced suddenly to have indexed 19 Billion (milliards) documents. Clearly an attempt to dwarf Google's famous "8 Billion" (Milliards) sites.
Alas! No wonder that the results of (almost) any test search you may launch keep to be in Google's favor: as the following data prove, the biggest increase in Yahoo's results seems to have been in "frills" domains.
For instance Yahoo now indexes 9.560.000.000 "com" domain documents, versus the 1.690.000.000 indexed by google. As you can see, the most striking differences, when regarding domains, are to be found on crap & frill domains like "com", "info", "net" & "biz".
We can clearly see that the differences are less important for more content-rich domains like "edu", "org", "gov", "mil" and "int".
Here some graphs:

Note the sad preponderance of ".com" domains among those indexed:

god image

Note the absolute preponderance of those very ".com" domains in Yahoo:

yado image

Would anyone in his right mind prefer a search engine that prefers "biz", "info", "net" and "com" domains?

diyago image

Anyway, as you can see in the following graph, the COVERING of the web (especially taking account of the hidden databases) is still rather meager BOTH for Yahoo and Google:

weco image

Hence the importance of using OTHER METHODS to search the web, and not only the main search engines. Here some hints (more about these techniques tomorrow):
1) go regional, then go regional again
2) go FTP
3) go IRC
4) go USENET/MESSAGEBARDS/BLOGS (yet remember that blogs are nothing more than messageboards where only the owner can start a thread, this being the main reason -with few exceptions- of their quick obsolescence, short duration and scant utility)
5) use homepages/rings/webarchives, cached repositories
6) use luring & social engineering
7) use stalking & trolling

(some weapons for seekers)

Gimme a rapid share, pleaz

We have already seen various querystrings: some "arrows" useful to find your targets.
To -quickly- fetch your targets, wading through the slimy commercial morasses of the web, made specifically "ad captandum vulgus", and in order to "cut" all the useless ballast you need a sword (and a shield).

The Sword

When you need to "cut" the Web your arrows, even the best ones, wont be enough: you'll need first of all a sharp blade: a capable and quick browser.

That's the first and foremost tool of a seeker. MSIE, Microsoft Internet explorer is a no-no-no, buggy, bloated and prone to all sort of nasty attacks. The two current "philosophical schools" are either Firefox or Opera.
The Shield

Whichever browser you use, no sword will be enough without a SHIELD. And your shield, and a mighty one for that, is proxomitron.
Proxomitron is a very powerful tool. Its power lies in its ability to rewrite webpages on the fly, filter communications between your computer and the web servers of the sites you visit, and to allow easy management of external proxy use.

Again: Proxomitron works by intercepting the HTML stream your browser sees, and changes it on the fly. It runs as an "HTTP Proxy" meaning it reads the HTML from the web and hands it off to your browser. Since it lets you edit rules, if you know HTML you will know what you're changing and may create your own rules.
Here a link to an old, but very good essay about proxomitron basic installation: anony_8.htm, and a link to another essay, Oncle Faf goes inside proxomitron about further fine-tuning.... Let's sum it up: "Only morons 'just do it' without Proxomitron."

Now let's see some of Opera's advantages (the quick browser I mostly use for a plethora of reasons)... red 

Among the many useful uses of proxomitron, its filters offer more speed to the seeker: as an example let's use proxomitron to nullify the time waiting span imposed by rapidshare.

Book searching: the "rapidshare" approach

Rapidshare searches are worth a digression per se: Let's imagine you are interested in, say "security":
rapidshare.de/files hacking (or, using MSN's sliders: {frsh=94} {popl=20} {mtch=99} rapidshare.de/files hacking)
Such kind of searches will give the seekers fruits aplenty:

A Buffer Overflow Study - Attacks and Defenses (2002).pdf 470kbs
Amazon Hacks - (O'reilly-August 2003).chm 2.83megs
Computer Vulnerability(March 9 2000).pdf 390kbs
Crackproof Your Software(No Starch-2002).pdf 7.17megs
Credit Card Visa Hack(Cambridge Lab-2003).pdf 223kbs
Google Hacking for Penetration Tester (Syngress-2005).pdf 13.7megs
Hack Attacks Revealed- A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit (Wiley-2001).pdf 8.25megs
Hack IT Security Through Penetration Testing (Addison Wesley-2002).chm 4.96megs
Hack Proofing Your Identity in the Information Age (Syngress-2002).pdf 9.11megs
Hack Proofing Your Network - Internet Tradecraft (Syngress-2000).pdf 2.94megs
Hacker Disassembling Uncovered (A List- 2003).chm 4.72megs
Hackers Beware (NewRiders -2002).pdf 4.62megs
Hackers Delight( Addison Wesley- 2003 ).chm 2.11megs
Hacker's Desk Reference.pdf 744kbs
Hacking Exposed- Network Security Secrets and Solutions (MCGraw-Hill-2001).pdf 8.04megs
Hacking Exposed- Web Applications (MCGraw-Hill-2002).pdf 7.76megs
Hacking Exposed- Windows 2003 Chapter 5.pdf 916kbs
Hacking for Dummies (John Wiley-2004).pdf 9.50megs
Hacking Guide v3.1[www.netz.ru].pdf 1.22megs
Hacking-The Art of Exploitation(No Starch-2003).chm 1.43megs
How Thieves Targeted eBay Users but Got Stopped Instead(Interhack-June 2003).pdf 200kbs
Malware - Fighting Malicious Code (Prentice Hall-November 21 2003).chm 6.49megs
Maximum Security, 3rd Edition(Sams-April 2001).chm 2.21megs
Maximum Security_-A Hackers Guide to Protect Your Internet .chm 1.31megs
Network Security Tools (OReilly- Apr 2005).chm 1.32megs
PC Hacks(Oct 2004).chm 6.10megs
PDF Hack(Aug 2004).chm 3.61megs
Practical Study Remote Access (Cisco-December 22, 2003).chm 2.50megs
Reversing Secrets of Reverse Engineering (Apr 2005).pdf 8.37megs
Secrets To Winning Cash Via Online Poker.pdf 233kbs
Spidering Hacks(O'Reilly- October 2003).chm 1.38megs
Stealing the Network; How to Own the Box ( Syngress-2003).pdf 4.58megs
The Art of Deception by Kevin Mitnick.pdf 5.19megs
The Art of Intrusion-The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers Intruders and Deceivers (Wiley- Feb 2005).pdf 3.06megs
The Complete History of Hacking.pdf 135kbs
Tricks of the Internet Gurus (April 1999).pdf 5.66megs
Underground Hacking Madness & Obsession on the Electronic Frontier.pdf 1.47megs
Web Hacking- Attacks and Defence (Pearson Education-August 08, 2002).chm 6.32megs
Windows Server Hack(O'Reilly - March 2004).chm 1.82megs
Windows XP Hacks (O'reilly- Auguest 2003).chm 5.18megs

Of course -la va sans dire- you should use such downloads only to quickly see if it is worth buying these books.

Alas! Rapidshare, while useful, has a silly commercial attitude with an annoying "delaying" trick.
Let's have a look at it, fetching a book, that could maybe prove of some interest for some of the worthy colleagues that have gathered here today:
here is an example of rapidshare 'delaying' javascript code, which runs on client side:
<script>var c = 58; fc(); function fc(){
if(c>0){document.getElementById("dl").innerHTML = "Download-Ticket reserved. Please wait " + c + ' seconds.

Avoid the need for download-tickets by using a PREMIUM-Account. Instant access!
'; c = c - 5;setTimeout("fc()", 5000)} else {document.getElementById("dl").innerHTML = unescape(' %3C%68%32%3E%3C%66%6F%6E%74%20%63%6F%6C%6F%72%3D%22%23%43%43%30%30%30%30%22%3E%20%44%6F%77%6E%6C%6F%61%64%3A%3C%2F%66%6F%6E %74%3E%20%3C%61%20%68%72%65%66%3D%22%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%64%6C%31%2E%72%61%70%69%64%73%68%61%72%65%2E%64%65%2F%66%69%6C%65 %73%2F%31%34%33%38%37%35%39%2F%32%37%37%35%37%30%39%37%2F%4D%63%47%72%61%77%5F%48%69%6C%6C%5F%4F%72%61%63%6C%65%5F%41%70%70 %6C%69%63%61%74%69%6F%6E%5F%53%65%72%76%65%72%5F%31%30%67%5F%41%64%6D%69%6E%5F%48%61%6E%64%62%6F%6F%6B%2E%72%61%72%22%3E%4D %63%47%72%61%77%5F%48%69%6C%6C%5F%4F%72%61%63%6C%65%5F%41%70%70%6C%69%63%61%74%69%6F%6E%5F%53%65%72%76%65%72%5F%31%30%67%5F %41%64%6D%69%6E%5F%48%61%6E%64%62%6F%6F%6B%2E%72%61%72%3C%2F%61%3E%3C%2F%68%32%3E') }}</script>
In this case you would just use following proxo filter (by Loki):
Name = "RapidShare"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*rapidshare.de*"
Limit = 256
Match = "(var count?)\1 = [#0:45]"
Replace = "\1 = 0"
The other limit of rapidshare, the 'just one download' limit (that I bet some of you have already encountered in the past few minutes :-) can of course also be circumvented, for instance using rotating anonymous proxies, a task made easy(*) by our good ole PROXOMITRON.
Alternatively you can flush and request a new IP address:
Start --> run --> cmd.exe --> ipconfig /flushdns --> ipconfig /release --> ipconfig /renew --> exit
Erase your cookies and reconnect to rapidshare.

Note however that the rapidshare search above is JUST ONE EXAMPLE:
Rapidshare is one of many "upload repositories" where people can upload large files. It allows unlimited downloads. There are many similar repositories:
rapidshare.de/: 30 Mb max, forever but after 30 days unused the file is removed, daily download limit of 3,000 MB for hosted files
YouSendIt: 1 Giga max, after 7 days or 25 downloads (whichever occurs first) the file is automatically removed
mytempdir: 25 Mb max, 14 days * 1200 free downloads, after that only from 23.00 to 7.00.
Sendmefile: 30 Mb max, after 14 days the file is automatically removed
Megaupload: 500 Mb max (!), forever but after 30 days unused the file is removed (like rapidshare)
qfile.de: unfortunately boughtg by rapidshare and closed a few days ago
ultrashare.net/: 30 Mb max, forever but after 30 days unused the file is removed (like rapidshare)
http://www.spread-it.com/: 500Mb - Forever or after 14 days if unused
http://turboupload.com/: 70Mb - download delay in order to show pub
http://www.4shared.com/: 100Mb - 10Mb per file Forever or after 30 days if unused

and so on..., there are also many "images repositories":

http://www.fapomatic.com/, http://www.imghost.com/, http://www.glowfoto.com/, http://www.imageshack.us/, http://www.imgspot.com/, http://www.mytempdir.com/, http://www.bestupload.com/, http://www.netpix.org/, http://www.jotapeges.com/, http://www.rapidshare.com/, http://www.filesupload.com/, http://www.updownloadserver.de/, http://www.dropload.com/, http://www.sendthisfile.com/, http://www.yousendit.com/, http://www.youshareit.com/, http://www.glintfiles.net/, http://www.paintedover.com/, http://www.2and2.com/, http://www.imagehosting.com/, http://www.xs.com/, http://www.imagehigh.com/, http://www.imagevenue.com/, http://www.shareitagain.com/, http://www.ultrashare.net/, http://www.sendmefile.com/, http://www.perushare.com/, http://www.megaupload.com/, http://www.imageranch.com/, http://www.photobucket.com/

Morale of the whole story? Shap sword + Powerful shield (+ good arrows) = as many useful books (inter alia) as you wish.

Book searching: the "have string, will fetch" approach

"Over the last several months, publishers have begun opposing the Google Print for Libraries program (http://print.google.com) grumbling litigiously about copyright issues"

There's a whole section regarding books searching at searchlores, and you can delve into it by yourself. Suffice to say that (almost) all books mankind has written are already on the web somewhere, and that while we are sitting here dozens of fully scanned libraries are going on line: if you'r attentive enough, and if your searching scripts are good, you can even hear the clinking "thuds" of those huge databases going on line... red 

First of all a quick "book searching" example:
As usual the problem is HOW you search. For instance if you search Antoine De Saint-Exupéry's book "Little Prince" for your kids you shouldn't search "little prince", you should search something like "Asteroid B 612" "little prince" or use a direct longsearch: "They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?" (also on MSN or on Yahoo of course).

Now, since this snippet comes from chapter 21 of the Little prince, you just add a +21 and cut even more noise: +21 "They have guns, and they hunt. It is very disturbing. They also raise chickens. These are their only interests. Are you looking for chickens?".

The query is still weak, let's cut the "com" sites out: +21 "They have guns and they hunt It is very disturbing They also raise chickens These are their only interests Are you looking for chickens" -site:com. That looks good!

There are many huge databases of books on the wide web. Private, public, educational or commercial? It is irrelevant for seekers. In order to fetch your target you just need some correct strings, i.e. -as usual- some sharp arrows.
A banal, yet useful approach is starting from the powerful A9 engine, for instance, for Conan Doyle, http://a9.com/conan%20doyle?a=obooks and then fetch its own study in scarlet.
Of course once we have some sharper arrows, it is relatively easy to fetch whole copies of a given book onto the web at large...

This is true for all kind of copyrighted books as well... let's see: "Suddenly, caught by the level beams, Frodo saw the old king's head"...
and we land here, for instance: Suddenly, caught by the level beams, Frodo saw the old king's head: it was lying rolled away by the roadside. `Look, Sam!' he cried, startled into speech. `Look! The king has got a crown again!'

Finally, try out (and understand) this arrow:
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:”index of” +(“/ebooks”|”/book”) +(chm|pdf|zip) +”For Dummies”

or maybe you prefer this one?
-inurl:htm -inurl:html intitle:"index of" +("/ebooks"|"/book") +(chm|pdf|zip) +"o'reilly"

(anyway at the moment with books even banal arrows will deliver whatever you want)

A small digression about scientific articles

"The contradictions of journal searching"

Now, let's imagine we need a given COMPLETE ARTICLE, not an abstract, a complete text, and we do not want to pay no clowns for that. Let's imagine we want something mathematic related, I haven chosen as examples ["polynomial"] and ["prime factorization"]

Most searchers would use the two most "common" search engines for MATHEMATIC-RELATED articles of the visible web: http://www.emis.de/ZMATH/, which you can use to start a search and http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/search which you SHOULD NOT use, due to its commercial crappiness
Let's search for "polynomial" red 
Let's imagine we are interested in the third result: "The minimum period of the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of a rational polytope", alas! Now we would be supposed "to pay" in order to consult/see/download it.
But we'r seekers, right?
Let's use a part of the abstract in order to fetch our target in extenso: " called the Ehrhart quasi-polynomial of"... see? Let's repeat this with any other article on this database... red 

Of course we could also have used google scholar

So, we have seen how to bypass commercial yokes using the previously explained "long string searching" approach.

The funny thing is that the web is so deep that we do not need at all to go through such bazaars.

In fact the "open source" waves are already purifying the closed world of the scientific journals as well. Good riddance!

Let's search on The Front (arxiv.org), that is slowly beating the euroamerican commercial bastards black and blue... for instance: "prime factorization", but, to keep our previous example, also: "The minimum period of the Ehrhart"... et voilà.
On one side the idiots that do not even let you search if yo do not pay up front (US-mathscinet) & the clowns that let you search, but then want you to pay in order to fetch your results (EU-ZMATH)... even if we could still find as seekers our targets, it is refreshing to know that there is, on the other side, coesisting on teh same web with the previous wankers, a complete search engine, with a better more rapidly growing database and everything you need for free hic et nunc(the Front: "It freed anyone from the need to be in Princeton, Heidelberg or Paris in order to do frontier research"). So, once again, the web, our web is BOTH a bottomless cornucopia and an immense commercial infested garbage damp, and -of course- you need to know how to search...

How deep is deep?

Examples of "web-multidepth"

"I've heard legends about information that's supposedly "not online", but have never managed to locate any myself. I've concluded that this is merely a rationalization for inadequate search skills. Poor searchers can't find some piece of information and so they conclude it's 'not online"

The depth and quantity of information available on the web, once you peel off the stale and useless commercial crusts, is truly staggering. Here just some examples, that I could multiply "ad abundantiam", intended to give you "a taste" of the deep depths and currents of the web of knowledge...

A database and a search engine for advertisements, completely free, you may enlarge (and copy) any image, watch any ad-spot.
Advertisements from Austria to Zimbabwe. Very useful for for advertisement reversing.

Of course when you study advertisement debunking you should also take account of the EVOLUTION of advertisement, and here is where sites like http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/adaccess/browse.html (1911-1956) may come handy.

And what about a place like this?
http://www.britishpathe.com/: "Welcome to Version 3.2 of the world's first digital news archive. You can preview items from the entire British "Pathe Film Archive" which covers news, sport, social history and entertainment from 1896 to 1970"...3500 hours of movies! and 12,000,000 (12 MILLIONS) still images for free!

Or what about a place like this?
Anno: Austrian newspapers on line. 1807-1935: COMPLETE copies of many Austrian newspapers from Napoleon to Hitler... for instance Innsbrucker Nachrichten, 1868, 5 Juni, page 1... you can easily imagine how anybody, say in Tanzania, armed with such a site, can prepare university-level assignments about European history of the late XIX century "ziemlich gr�h", if he so wishes.

And the other way round? If you'r -say- in Vienna and want access to -say- Tanzanian resources?
Well, no problem! UDSM virtual library (The University of Dar es Salaam Virtual Library), for instance, and many other resources that you'll be able to find easily.

Remember -however- that on the web you always need to evaluate what you find!


Names and ethic

First of all I would like to draw your attention towards the paramount importance of names on the web... red  and towards the importance of TEXT... red 

We have seen how easy it is to find books, music, images, software and documents on the web.

This is quite interesting, because it basically means that the guardian of the light tower, the young kid in central africa and the yuppie in new york all have access to the same resources: location is now irrelevant... red 

Yet remember that there are not only files on the web, but also solutions... the airport noise example...red 

The ethical aspect of searching and the three laws... red 
An unjust society where first world and third world coexist in the same countries... red 


In the year 2000 the first flash memory cards had 256 Mb (10^6) chips. The most recent ones (NAND usb types memory) have now reached, just six years later, 16 Gigabytes (10^9) (and Samsung said that new flash cards up to 32 Gigabytes are expected already in 2006). The capacity has been doubled every year.

D'you remember the rice and the chessboard tale? There are 64 squares on a chess board. If you double a chip of flash 64 times you end up with more storagespace than there is in all of the universe :-)
Such a development means many things (inter alia that static is the way to go and that, hence, harddisks and mobile storage devices à la DVDs are as dead as a Dodo) it means -speaking storage- that with bytes you can have already now something like 16000/2 perfect mp3s or 16*2 dvd hours of movies on a single flash memory, and this development also means that you will have in 5 years time as many terabytes as you like: the web in your pockets, all the books of the world in your PDA. And what does it means for seekers? It means that searching and evaluation techniques, both on the wide web and inside your own repositories will be more and more important.

Hence: The paramount importance of evaluation... red 
Learning to discern CRAP and learning to reverse advertisers' tricks will be MORE and MORE important.

Your capacity of not being fooled, of understanding the rhetorical tricks will be PARAMOUNT (even more than now... "scusate se è poco")

Your capacity to choose: in life and on the web.

The correct (useful, lasting) cloth or textile, the correct (tasty, lasting) pear fruit, the correct (enlightening, lasting) book to read, the correct (involving, lasting) game to play. The common word for these physical things is probably that LASTING adjective. And this will -I believe- be even more valid for the web in your pocket in a few years, with all its terabytes of moving virtual quicksand.

So which conclusions?

That's it.
Any questions?

----------------------------- FFF part ----------------------------

red FFF part red

----------------------------- FFF part ----------------------------

linguistic sine qua non -1

This talk should help to "concretize" a little what we have seen together yesterday.
Let's begin with one of the "simple searching rules" we have seen yesterday
Go regional!

This can be fairly simple most of the time... for instance a typical "science database" search could begin using ad hoc operators: intitle:search intitle:science site:uk

In german such eine search would be something like intitle:suchen intitle:wissenschaft site:de

And in french: intitle:recherche intitle:science site:ca | site:be | site:fr

However, this is not always so simple: How would you translate a search like astronomy intitle:dictionary OR intitle:glossary OR intitle:lexicon

Hence, going regional is simpler said than done if you do not know many languages. So let's make it simpler done than said :-)

How to find useful searchstrings in (almost) any language
by +fravia, Sommer 2005

(The following masks and appletts have been copyrighted by me under the GPL licence)
First of all let's find an interesting string in any of the following languages: en, fr, de, it, nl, es, el, pt, sv, da, fi, cs, et, lv, lt, hu, mt, pl, sk, sl
using the following search mask:

Yes, this is a mask used to retrieve EU-documents. You just input a (possibly long) searchstring in any of the EU 20 languages and then fetch quickly your results from ALL eu.int servers (or from google's cached copies if those servers are too slow).

The EU has given public access to (almost) all its documents on line. This for searchers is of incredible importance: it opens the path to BILLIONS of interrelated documents in 20 different european languages (and counting: ro and bg should be added soon) that have been translated by HUMANS. So this is no machine translation, as you will see.

Note that the mask above doesn't simply add "site:eu.int" to your google searches,
It also gives back 100 (instead of the default 10) results per page and guarantees that no results regrouping algos will be applied.
Another filter imposes the UTF-8 charset (most accented characters are thus allowed)

Let's try a search for dictionary glossary lexicon site:eu.int, terms which can aways come quite handy.

Let's open this "lexicon" entry and bang! Automagically we get a lot of useful arrows... and if we click on "document types", even more arrows...

Of course, alternatively, you could also use the now abandoned but still useful eurodicautom and search for
dictionary lexicon glossary

But the real utility of the form above (and of the bookmarklets below) is in finding LONG HUMAN TRANSLATED SENTENCES, not dictionary entries.

Let's try the search "strategy for information and communication"

As you can see most results come from the europa server and from the server of the EP.
Let's click (it's just an example) onto P6_TA-PROV(2005)0102 and we will see the snippet " to develop and strengthen the Agency's strategy for information and communication".
Now we could just change "en" in the URL of the previous document to "fi" and obtain the same document in finn (o in any other of the 20 languages), or we could use the following bookmarklet (devised by -ritz) that, being a bookmarklet, allows us to open a different document starting from another document CLIENT-SIDE (btw, the deep security implications of this kind of bookmarklets will, I hope, be noticed by this audience :-)

Here the _FROM_ENGLISH bookmarklet.
Bookmark the link and use it to obtain a bilingual display.
Tested and working on Opera 8

And op-la! That's it. Of course if the original documents (the ones you have searched for) are in a lanuage different from english, you'll have to use slightly different bookmarklets:
the _FROM_GERMAN bookmarklet, _FROM_FRENCH bookmarklet, _FROM_ITALIAN bookmarklet, _FROM_SUOMI bookmarklet, _FROM_SPANISH bookmarklet... and so on.

Uff... that's it. Now lets' use these tools to fetch juicy searchstrings... red... 

linguistic sine qua non -2

Languages knowledge is on the web of paramount importance. Our "english mothertongues" friends mostly underestimate this aspect. As we have seen, one of the best ways to bypass the limitations of the main search engines is going local, through multilinguism. As you can imagine, whole new constellations of interesting targets can be accessed through -say- russian, chinese, arabic, japanese and korean search engines.
I will make an example related to these latter.

A seeker should know that naver, chol, daum (powered by google), empas (which automatically searches for images) and ready (powered by wisenut) are the main korean search engines.

There is of course also a korean yahoo, a korean msn, and a korean google (this howeverer will give you the same results as "any" google unless you specify in the URL &lr=lang_ko).

The interesting thing is that using these very names you get a query that bypasses the SEOs' spam inside the results you would have using a more obvious, but for this reason spammed, string: korean search engines

There's a whole 'linguistic' section on line at searchlores... red 

As an example of how powerful some on-line services can be have for example a look at the following tool, something that you may use to understand a Japanese site:

An incredible jappo-english translator!
Try it for instance onto http://www.shirofan.com/ See? It "massages" WWW pages and places "popup translations" from the EDICT database behind the Japanese text!

for instance
You can use this tool to "guess" the meaning of many a japanese page or -and especially- japanese search engine options, even if you do not know Japanese :-)
You can easily understand how, in this way, you can -with the proper tools- explore the wealth of results that the japanese, chinese, korean... you name them... search engines may (and probably will) give you.

Let's search for "spanish search engines"... see?
Let's now search for "buscadores hispanos"... see?

And you can have useful results even when the alphabet is different: Poiskovaya Mashina

sine qua non

But going regional is just ONE of the many searching options. Let's have a look at some other approaches (Just a short tour around the house):

Main, regional and local
ftp, blogs and targets
usenet irc and then, of course, trolls
Again: anonymity and stalking (and luring)

Examples of "one shot" email addresses..., always useful for "quick contact" purposes
Mailinator http://www.mailinator.com/mailinator/Welcome.do
Another example:

How to discover whois on-line

For instance, using the previous example: http://www.whois.sc/pookmail.com (scroll down for contact names and info)

Punishing your spammers through whois

Whois reversing is important in general and can give you even cheap satisfactions in your battles against spam because it usally allows some level of retaliation against email-spammers.
How? Easy: check your email-spam, find the site they want you to visit through the spam (they wont put any valid email address inside the spam, of course) and then slowbombred 
.... the responsibles.

As an example, the most recent spam nuked in my dev/null folder, redirected readers to the clowns at http://www.optinemailtoday.biz/.
If you check the site through whois http://www.whois.sc/optinemailtoday.biz
you'll find that this domain has just a PO box in Seattle, but also that their billing contact is [email protected]
A short search will dig out these documents and demonstrate that this is a well known spammer: Robert Alan Soloway, operating in Seattle, Washington State, with his clown company "Network Internet Marketing", 1200 Western Ave, APT. 17-E, Seattle WA 98101, with the work address [email protected]... that you can slowbomb

Slowbomb him to hell, and slowbomb inorbit.com's email-addresses and [email protected] (an attorney that defended this spammer) as well for good measure :-)

FFF: Bookmarklets and webbits 

(see the webbits section...

1) Sourceror2 (by Mordred & rai.jack)
try it right away
Right click and, in opera, select "add link to bookmarks"

javascript: z0x=document.createElement('form'); f0z=document.documentElement; z0x.innerHTML = '<textarea rows=10 cols=80>' + f0z.innerHTML + '</textarea><br>'; f0z.insertBefore(z0x, f0z.firstChild); void(0);
javascript:document.write(document.documentElement.outerHTML.replace(new RegExp("<","g"), "<"));

2) Another google approach

3) Another google approach (by Mordred)
Here is a way to gather relevant info about your target
"index+of/" "train.wav******"
Useful to see date and size that follow your target name...

4) ElKilla bookmarklet (by ritz)
try it right away (no more clicking, press DEL to delete and ESC to cancel)
Right click and, in opera, select "add link to bookmarks"

More about bookmarklets in the javascript bookmark tricks essay (*).

FFF: Fravia's copyrighted, trademarked and patented anti-EULA definitive solution

Is there a lawyer in the house?

Before beginning the next snippet, about streaming, we would like to show how to operate in a totally legal (sortof) way.
iradio_setup.exe (or maybe here: iradio_setup.exe : iradio is a internet radio grabber and ripper, a useful, but alas commercial, program that will allow anybody to intercept and register on the fly any broadcasted mp3. It is therefore eo ipso a good anti-streaming tool.

Its protection routines are ludicrous, suffice to say that if you disassemble it you'll find even the following inside its code:
Where we can see inter alia that the original name was probbably "RadioGrab".
but I wont go into its protection routines now, I just wish to demonstrate "how to nuke a EULA", you know those END-USER-AGREEMENT-LICENSES that nobody reads when clicking onto install files, even if -for all you know- they may impose you to sacrifice your first-born to their gods.
Apart prohibiting disassembly, a sin I cannot condone, IRADIO's EULA carries the following surreal mumbo-jumbo:
All title and intellectual property 
rights in and to the content that may be accessed 
through use of this SOFTWARE PRODUCT remains the property of 
the respective content owner and is protected by 
applicable copyright or other intellectual property 
laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to 
use such content. 
Now, we cannot accept this, because, to be frank with you, the very reason we might want to install this anti-streaming grabber on our laptop is to grab music that may happen to be patented :-)

So we not only disagree, we STRONGLY disagree and do not accept this eula.

So let's fire our customizer, and let's "strongly disagree" to this EULA before installing iradio...
From what you saw, follows my copyrighted, trademarked and patented anti-EULA definitive solution:

  Either EULAs ARE legally binding, in which case this "EULA of ours" is legally binding as well, or EULAs ARE NOT legally binding, hence (as I always thought) they are just pseudo-juristical high-sounding overbloated crap. 

Quod erat demonstrandum: EULA owners -all over the world- please choose, we'r happy either way :-)

FFF: The music contradiction

Rebuking streamers and censors
(Small pirates and fat corporate scammers)

Since every music snippet you may even wish, from classic to jazz, is already on the web (easy to find through simple search strings, for instance: intitle:"index of/" "last modified" "mp3" lady madonna, albeit this ease is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to the 'popularity' of your target) noone having more cerebral matter than aubergines is buying music anymore.
Sales are de facto broken (-33% in the last 4 years) and the big music monopoles are going berserk.
Streaming music (encrypted or through obfuscated formats) is one of the many confuse answers they have devised.
Of course 'new' formats can be reersed and encrypted streams must be decrypted with a key (hidden) on the consumer's computer, so these measures are ludicrous.
They may soon try to make it 'illegal' to record a stream through patents, but since it was illegal in the first time to download pirated music, and noone cares, their chances of success are nil. Just to make you an example, Baidu and Netease (http://www.163.com), two huge chinese search engines/portals, have recently stopped, under american corporate pressure, their MP3 search functions.

Yet there are around 10.000 sites offering pirated music in China alone, and, knowing how to search, anyone can bypass such chinese censorship as easy as when using google or the various other 'first wold' censored portals.

For instance using the -not yet censored- querystring m4a "Server at" on Netease: m4a "Server at"
or this slight variant of the now censored "index of" trick, at Baidu: mp3 "Port 80"
(for instance: mp3 "Port 80" eminem).

So we are now, first, examining how to find normal, "non streamed" music. Blogs, those almost useless and mostly boring and (deservedly) short-lived messageboards where only the owner can start a thread, can be for once useful: a completely new wave of music searching is due to the relatively recent mp3 blogs phenomenon. this said its mostly a waste of time to visit blogs: usually it is MUCH simpler to just fetch the music you need from huge web repositories and easy to bypass commercial databases any time you fancy it.

FFF: Let's quickly see some examples:

A simple music searching approach (using as before m4as, that are less censored than mp3s):
(ma4 OR mp3) "index of" +garfunkel For instance:
And you'll also land inside this huge mp3 pasture, so big that it may crash evena mighty browser (try it with firefox and it will probably grind)...

A more complex mp3 "klebing" webbit:
allintext: ma4 OR mp3 OR ogg "icons/sound2 gif"
See? Now you'll have to "peel the URL-onions", backwards, towards the correct targets.

Of course another useful approach would be to use any ad hoc ftp search engine

The streaming scam

More and more music snippets (and videos) are STREAMED on the web. While there are very simple ways to defeat any streaming protections, some good anti-streaming tools are a sine qua non on anyone's box.

In fact, due to the mp3 mass-histerya censorship, finding your music targets streamed on the web is µ nowadays even more easier than finding them inside some mp3 repositories.

Fittingly -I believe- for a security conference, I will show you today how to reverse two such tools: a general connections checker and a streams downloader.

To individuate what exactly is going on during your seeking connections, without tedious studying of your ethereal or firewall loggings, you may choose to use a small traffic checker called ipticker: a very useful tool, small, not intrusive, powerful.
Ipticker is useful in order to check connections and TCP/UDP data, hence you can use it to check suspicious activities (for instance when visiting rogue web sites), and you can use it also to quickly gather the real URL of all streamed files.
You can download here the old (and uncracked) version 1.6. of ipticker. They are at version 1.9 now, so I hope they'll be grateful for this kinda 'advertisement' of their (good) software and pardon me the following look under the hood.

This older version of Ipticker was indeed *very badly* protected: A quick grep for "U N R E G I S T E R E D V E R S I O N" will land us smack inside the following useless "protection" routine (archaic, I know, but this is a talk for bourgeoises, real crackers in the audience should please refrain from laughing). Only four instructions need a comment.
:4039BE E833DFFFFF    call 4018F6	; --> do incredibly complex calculations on the registration key
:4039C3 85C0          test eax, eax	; --> test result of incredibly complex calculations. Al=0?
:4039C5 7512          jne 4039D9	; --> No: jne "good guy"    	
:4039C7 6824D34000    push 40D324    	; --> Yes: push "U N R E G I S T E R E D   V E R S I O N" and flag "bad guy" 
Should somebody want to be a "good guy" he may just modify the ONE byte in red above, turning that "jump if not equal" into a "jump if equal" (74) instruction...

In order to "automate" the stream downloading itself, a very useful program is STREAMDOWN, a streaming media download tool. It supports not only HTTP and FTP download, but also most streaming media download protocols, such as RTSP, MMS, MMSU, MMST. It also supports download resuming. You can download Windows Media Streams (.ASF, .ASX, .WAX, .WMA, .WMV), Real Video/Audio Streams (.RM, .RAM, .SMIL) and/or .MP3
It is a useful program to counter those clowns that happily stream music and films in order to avoid people making copies of it (even legitimates copies for personal use), but its registration routine is another classical example of a completely useless protection scheme, hence maybe of some interest for this audience.
Here I present the older version 3.3 of streamdown, they are now at version 5.0, so I hope they'll be grateful for this kinda 'advertisement'of their (good) software and pardon me the following look under the hood.
A quick grep for "regcode" (or for "unregistered version") will land us smack inside this "protection" snippet of the code (archaic stuff nowadays! Don't laugh please, software is still "protected" this way).
I have shortened the code for quicker comprehension:

:0040A5C4 68BE625000              push 005062BE 	<------ (Data Obj ->"RegCode")
... do stuff with & check length of previously entered strings "RegName and RegCode"...
:0040A5D5 E8A62E0200              call 0042D480         <------ StreamDown.NEW_00_KEYCHK_CSD: mov byte ptr [00507FB5], 01 if legit key
... test return from StreamDown.NEW_00_KEYCHK_CSD
:0040A5DE 0F84E2000000            je 0040A6C6           <------ towards exit with bad flag 00 if bad strings
... do irrelevant stuff...
:0040A601 FF5218                  call [edx+18] 	<------ again: is it a legitimate code? 
:0040A604 84C0                    test al, al   	<------ test result of checking routine: this time equal (0) if legit
:0040A606 0F8587000000            jne 0040A693  	<------ non equal? Horror: jump to bad guy and avoid registering
:0040A60C 66C745DC0800            mov [ebp-24], 0008    <------ registered legitimate paying user routine ----|
... do various good stuff for the legitimate registered user...                                               |
:0040A627 BAC7625000              mov edx, 005062C7  	<------ (Data Obj ->"Register to:  ")                 |
... make clear he's registered and legit...                                                                   |-- "good guy" routine
:0040A685 B001                    mov al, 01         	<------ good guy flag high on the pennon              |
... prepare edx register ...                                                                                  |
:0040A691 EB3F                    jmp 0040A6D2       	<------ avoid bad guy flagging & go to good exit -----|
:0040A693 66C745DC1400            mov [ebp-24], 0014    <------ (Jump from Address :0040A606): start code for the "bad guy" 
:0040A699 BAD6625000              mov edx, 005062D6  	<------ (Data Obj ->"Unregistered Version")
... do evil stuff, decrease counter and mark "bad guy" (or bad strings) with bad flag 00 ...
:0040A6D2 5B                      pop ebx  		<------ (Jump from Address :0040A691): prepare exit
... pop sequitur and exit
:0040A6D6 C3                      ret

As anyone can see, a simple 0F8487000000 (je 0040A693) instead of that 0F8587000000 (jne 0040A693) will automagically transmute bad guys into good guys (as unlock codes I used my nick and 12 random numbers as key, if I am not mistaken). When will software programmers learn some more useful protection approaches?

Cracking is anyway useless if you know how to search: it wouldn't for instance be difficult to find a ready made crack for this software (or for anything else). For instance:
{frsh=86} {popl=51} {mtch=36} crack streamdown

Note that you may even use any ad hoc, non porn infested, crack search engine.
But using ready made cracks is not elegant and hence "deprecated": you should always crack your own software by yourself :-)

With streamdown and iradiob (plus ipticker), you'll be able to tackle all common kinds of stream. And whenever you need some specific music, once again, just fetch it from the web at once.
Using a simple string
intitle:"index of/" "last modified" "mp3" garfunkel
or a "local" one: intitle:garfunkel site:geocities.com
or a, ahem, "creative" one:
intitle:fuckriaa garfunkel, q.e.d. ~

Assignement for security experts

Now that you know a little more how to search, you would be well advised to apply some of the techniques we have seen to find some thorough and up-to date info relaing to your security field: here an 'assignement' of sorts:

WDASM's author, Peter Urbanik, Disappeared some years ago.
He is/was one of the greatest brains of our age. He devised Wdasm, a quick dissasmbler "cum" debugger, and he acted alone, as a "one man band".
Hint: He's not a dentist :-)
So: Assignement: Where is he now? What's he doing?

Find Peter Urbanik (apply your stalking, luring, combing, klebing and social engineering capacities :-)

----------------------------- material ----------------------------

red material red

----------------------------- material ----------------------------


http://webdev.archive.org/ ~ The 'Wayback' machine, explore the Net as it was!

Visit The 'Wayback' machine at Alexa, or try your luck with the form below.

Alternatively ,learn how to navigate through [Google's cache] (without images if you want some more relative anonymity, just add "&strip=1", this will give you the text version of google's cache)!


(http://www.netcraft.com/ ~ Explore 15,049,382 web sites)

VERY useful: you find a lot of sites based on their own name, which is another possible way to get to your target...

Search: search tips
Example: site contains [searching] (a thousand sites eh!)

In fact Netcraft is so useful that you may want to add a netcraft javascript ad hoc bookmarklet to your bookmarks :-)


 Structure of the web (the "classic" model)

Structure of the web

   Short and long term seeking
Short and long term seeking

Frill oriented search engines: MSN=WORST, GOOGLE=BEST
We have chosen as reference the following four terms: "spears" as "total crap frill" term, "clinton" as "frilly news" term, "schopenhauer" as "content" term and myself as "weirdo/freak/marge" term. Note how the WORST engine is MSN and the best is Google. Comparing spears versus clinton (frill versus -frilly- news), Comparing spears versus schopenhauer (frill versus content) and comparing spears versus fravia (frill versus freak).
Also notice how MSN is THE ONLY main search engine that has even more (as a matter of fact: twice) occurrences for "spears" than for "clinton".

Frill and Nofrill orineted main search engines


Well, actually not so easy if you do not know how to enable it: open "proxy", rightclick on a proxy in the small window, choose advanced proxy setting, choose "rotate proxy after every x connections", or "randomize rotations".

Another interesting bookmarklet for password breaking purposes is the "word frequency" bookmarklet
word frequency

Pestering php commercial vultures 
In order to prepare your own "magic" tricks, and enter where you'r not supposed to (which is the "raison d'être" of the real seeker) you'll have to know the most common scripts used on the web.

This is quite rewarding, but you'll have to "dirty your hands" with some commercial fetid scripts. Knowing their putrid php code can be *quite* useful in order to reverse the helluja out of it when we encounter them in our wanderings.

Database scripts are -per definition- easy to retrieve, here a small list of the most easy to find on the web. They have been released long ago inside a package, so I feel free to point to it, since anyone and his dog already fetched and used them long ago :-)
Auto Gallery SQL, AutoGallery Pro, Autolinks Pro, AutoRank Pro, Calendar Now Pro, ClickSee AdNow, DeskPRO Enterprise, Devil TGP, DigiShop, Done Right Bid Search Engine, e-Classifieds, ExplanationsSCripts.doc faqmaster.zip ImageFolio Commerce, Magic News Plus, Mojopersonals, Nephp Publisher Enterprise, NewsPHP, Payment Gateway, Photopost Php Pro, PhotoPost, PHP Live Helper, PhpAuction PRO Plus, phpListPro, phpwebnews, pMachine, SmartSearch, Stardevelop Livehelp, SunShop, webDate, WebEdit Professional, X-affiliate, X-Cart.

Most of these scripts are in php, and really easy to reverse for penetration purposes. Many more, different (and more clever) ones, are on the web alla round you. Go, fish, retrieve and multiply :-)

Music streaming à la facile 
The simpliest way is just to take a cable and to plug the output back to the input socket.
Take a look at the back of your PC. Hopefully you are seeing the socket holes of your soundcard. One of them is surely an output ( for your headphones ), one of them is input ( from a microphone? ). Most times they both works with 3.5mm plugs. So if you have a cable with 3.5mm plugs in both sides you can loop back the music ( or whatever output ) to the soundcard/PC.

However, this is not that simple:
you got to carefully mute any other sound output apart the WAVE out, then
in recording mute anything but the LINE IN.
then use a decent program like WAVELAB, and in wavelab set the rec level carefully to avoid noise or distortion.
the quality will be inferior compared to recording the digital stream since in any case you record analog sound which was passed thru the AD/DA converter (which usually sucks unless you own a very costly audio card).

however, in the majority of the cases all you need is just to open WAVELAB and just record the WAVE OUT mix :
you create a new track, press REC and select Wave Out as INPUT, you'll see the spectrogram moving etc, then when finished cut the recording and save it as wav or mp3 et voila'.

doing this you just record the digital stream and NOT the analog i/o, so the only downturn is that this stream is a frequency conversion but you'll hardly hear any difference from the original.

                        Crappabytes galore 

Multiple ofbytes
Decimal prefixes Binary prefixes
Name Symbol Multiple Name Symbol Multiple
kilobyte kB 103 kibibyte KiB 210
megabyte MB 106 mebibyte MiB 220
gigabyte GB 109 gibibyte GiB 230
terabyte TB 1012 tebibyte TiB 240
petabyte PB 1015 pebibyte PiB 250
exabyte EB 1018 exbibyte EiB 260
zettabyte ZB 1021
yottabyte YB 1024

Petit image 2124 bytes
Petit image
Petit image
Petit image
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