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Different targets, different techniques
Omnis feret omnia tellus

~ Targets ~
arrows in the web-void
Fravia+ (msre) ... search strainers & gates       Updated March 2009
files (& ftp)
filez & torr
files and images repositories
"free" (sic) email repositories
red images & dvds
red blogs
music & sounds
red books & texts
 journals & scholar 
Laws  EU-laws
classified texts


Different targets, different techniques... so obvious and yet, at the same time, so incredibly underestimated! Seekers know that each kind of quarry has specific characteristics and parameters they should take account of...    Lovely and lively moving little quarryes, dancing on our 'evershifting' web of quicksand sites...    Nuggets of pure altruistic knowledge hidden among the foul-smelling and evil-blobbing commercial sargassos seas...    Oh my! How are we supposed to track our targeted results down, to aim our seeker sharp arrows at our signal, when everything moves so quickly?

Yet EVERYTHING is out there! Omnis feret omnia tellus! We can learn how to find ANYTHING on the web. Anything! Indeed the web is so huge that -with almost no exceptions- searching in the correct way will enable you to find anything you may be looking for. Any image, any music, any book, any document, any data, any software (proprietary or not), any newspaper published in the history of mankind. Whole national libreries are going on line in this very moment in some godz-forgotten country somewhere in Africa or Asia. Half a million people are putting in the very 5 seconds you are reading this half a million scanned images on some god forgotten homepage. Another 200 thousand users are uploading, in THESE five seconds 200 thousand mp3, somewhere on the web.
Some of these books, of these images, of these musics, have never been on the web before. But they will now remain on Internet for the ETERNITY, and you will find them even if their Authors have pulled them down!

Well, let's first of all improve our "searching Shahin" (this is of course a sine qua non in order to find whatever - and I mean whatever - we are looking for). For this reason, as you'll notice, some sections of this lore will remain "closed" to you until you develop your egoistical searcher's Heijoshin into a more capable ethical seekers' Fudoshin, hehe 

Books and Texts

New ad hoc section How to search for books and texts


New ad hoc section How to search for images

Music & Sounds

A possible slightly "mp3 related" question is: once you find a music snippet that may be patented (they call them "copyrights", but in fact they just mean "patents") shall/can you download it?
"Latet anguis in herba", ya know, and patents have been made to last longer and longer (nobody seems exactly to know why patents should last so long, btw: already around 70 years long in most copyright-enslaved countries), besides as you will see in the following there are infinite wondrous musics downloadable in the public domain, so that you hardly will need to fetch patented stuff.
Yet the question remains: can you download stuff that could be patented?
This is a very difficult question to answer: there are several philosophical schools on such matters. Some say that if a mp3 is on the web and you can download it, then you may in bona fide assume that it is probably in the public domain (else they would not have uploaded it at all, would they?)
But be careful, and if in doubt, don't steal. Seekers do not need to hoard on their harddisks anything. Whatever you find will anyway always remain somewhere in the void-forest, ready to be plucked once more should you need it again
Everything that lands on the web is bound to be copycatted a zillion times and hence remain available forever to those that know the fine lore of searching.
Just hear it on line, find it again and again everywhere using clever searchstrings, enjoy hearing it on the fly. Carpe diem that's the secret of the seeker: the web was made for sharing knowledge, not for selling it.
Rest assured: your mp3, your music snippet target, any music, any program, any musical score, any musical sheet, will be out there, somewhere, and once it has been there, it will already have been copycatted for the eternity.
You'll find it, provided you know how to search.

Streams ~ Mp3 ~ Audio quests ~ Audio search engines ~ The music blogs phenomenon

There is a section ad hoc about de-streaming.

You'll also find some info about total recorder (an interesting tool for sound streams capture) here

Should you simply want to dig out of the net some mp3 on the fly, behold the power of FAST (alltheweb):
In fact once upon a time you could find your favourite mp3 songs using the name of the author (for instance dylan) and stating that the document must include "index of/mp3" in the title: here is a old FAST's Bob Dylan's ad hoc [mp3 search].
Nowadays, however, you need some better webbits:-)

Note that all kinds of "index +of" seekers' trick is worth studying, even if obsolete, because slight variants of it still work :-)

Sound quests and "musical searching" essays
In June 2002 I published A musical riddle for the sommer, that you will be able to hear if you wait for it to load [here]. Our fellow seekers went out of their way in order to solve it. Many sound and music search tricks lurk in these threads, for the patient readers that will adventure inside :-)

Audio Search engines and tools

A tool for usenet music search is Audiofind, for instance dylan blonde


Another interesting search engine for or audio & video content (even content based on speech recognition) is SpeechBot, that currently indexes 14553 hours of content.

Here its powersearch mask.

The music blogs phenomenon

musicblogs.htm: Searching among Music Blogs , How to fetch da beef without wading into the blogs, A list of mp3 bloggers and Searchlores' own music blog


~ How to find any file stored on this planet ~
(yes: any!)

This section is closed to non seekers :-)

Yet - in the mean time - you may learn something nevertheless: either visiting the file searching lore section or reading the Catching web-rabbits approach. You may also trying the following approaches:

file searching lore


Autonomus Citations Index
researchindex direct
Blah blah: "ResearchIndex is a scientific literature digital library that aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness".

Of course, for seekers, the whole point is just to fish some names and/or some more 'angles' out of the web-void in order to improve their own chances in finding a specific quarry they were already hunting. This said, believe me (and The+Owl): it would be hard to underestimate the usefulness of this tool. Note also that ResearchIndex computes citation statistics and related documents for all articles cited in the database, not just the indexed articles.

Only retrieving 2000 citations. Only a fraction of citations to each article may be shown.
Order: citations weighted by the expected number for a given year.

May the Abstract be with you, oh intrepid seeker! :-)


[http://www.comtechelectronics.net/do%20docs/standards.html] Standards and Cross References (ADSL-XML)
Sysadmin oriented indexes and search engines, all sort of documentation and information, Pointers and Resources, FAQs, Descriptions, Standards and Protocols

xrefer's contains encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri & books of quotations. All cross-referenced, all in one place

"Scholars" (University level essays)  

An incredible wealth of mostly useless and preposterous scripts...

Google has its own scholar search

For instance: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22search+engines%22&btnG=Search&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&num=100

But the problem is that this scholar engine is strangely stale and gives a lot of obsolete results.
You may want to refine your scholar searches temporally with the two arrows below, posted by Nemo (here as an example: "euro dollar reserves":
euro dollar reserves "numrange:1-31 * 2004"
euro dollar reserves "january | february | march | april | may 2004"

And here we have Polonus' additions   (November 2004)

These days I jump around in the fori, and whenever I find some jewels while doing so, I try to share these with others.
One such a complete searchsite is OJOSE, a website to search for scientific journals, papers & information.
The link to go there is: http://www.ojose.com. Really a Swiss "top site". It is a bit like the Fagan Finder but for  these search actions. 
All the other links like http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/cs and the Elsevier and Springer links are included there, as is http://www.findarticles.com/ and http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/search?
By the way for looking up general information there is an experimental service ( one time it is up, then again down, so be aware) from Southampton at: http://paracite.eprints.org/ . Really a clever one, and worth to recommend.
This to mark the fact that www.scholar.google is n't the only place to go.
I have learnt that we must evaluate all results in these search areas as well, and carefully so for  here misinformation can reign in subtlety and misleading information is a political bias, to explain this in a clear manner just search for instance "25 subjects censored", or "top 25 censored stories" and you will see what I mean, and why

Email providers "Syrupping"  

See also the ad hoc sections "free" (sic) email repositories and where to upload stuff

I decided to call this "email providers finding" trick syrupping :-)

A useful way to find all over the world "free" email address providers, inter alia exactly those very providers and/or servers that do not care too much about aliases, about being exploited and about anonymous logging, in fact syrupping uses the very SPAMMERS' attacks in order to find the providers.

Very elegant method, I think: In fact syrupping uses the forces of evil for nobler purposes :-)

It recalls, to a minor and humbler extent, the great tricks described in Nemo's Search Engines Anti-Optimization (Get your own stop words!)
essay and in WayOutThere's Reversing to Enhance and Expand famous essay about Copernic reversing.

Ingredients: spammers, yahoo, usenet, dubious internet sites
Results: huge lists of free emailproviders
Time required: takes coupla day to kick in, but then it will produce syrup continuously

1) You create a fake id, say on yahoo, that you will use only for syrupping and then you'll let sink into oblivion, sagged by spam.
2) You subscribe your fake address to religous nuts magazines, porn-a-day services, jokes-a-day, brides in orient, all the possible crap and worst the commercial web-morasses have on offer.
3) You get a zillion nasty spammers stinging dicho fake address, like bees on the syrup
4) You now use yahoo's own facility "this is spam" to denounce spammers to yahoo and thus you get A NICE LIST with all those spammers' addresses, from [email protected] to [email protected] (alternatively you just grep them with your scripts :-)
The important part for us is of course the providers list, those after the @ in the address :-)
5) Ta-daa: you grep a very long list of email providers, and - as an added bonus - rather dubious ones for that matter (or weak public servers taht have been Xploited by spammers, which means we can Xploit them too when spreading lore :-)

Here, for instance, some idiot spammers fished fresh today on a normal and protected account (hence imagine how many you will fish once you spill syrup all over the web table :-)

[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected] 
[email protected]


A big danke to ~S~ Gregor Samsa for some of the following pointers
[http://www.symbols.com/index/wordindex-a.html] (main cat)
[http://www.symbols.com/section/6/category/15/] (graphic index)
[http://www.symbols.com/section/6/category/18/] (Advanced graphic index)

http://www.vectorportal.com/symbols/type.asp?iType=66: "Vectorportal" symbols
[http://www.levity.com/alchemy/alchemical_symbols00.html] Alchemical symbols, from Abstrahere to Zinziber

A brief digression about books searching on google print (or on amazon).

For symbols, an uncountornable book is W. Cecil Wade's "The Symbolisms of Heraldry" or "A Treatise on the Meanings and Derivations of Armorial Bearings". Published in London in 1898 and thus not copyrighted anymore.
All books are very easy to find on the web anyway, the patent mafias powers that be and their political lackeys notwithstanding.
You can e.g. search inside this book in googlebooks... a.*|e.*|i.*|o.*|u.* to get a wallop of pages and snippets and then with a small script à la "butler" or "customizegoogle" you might try to retrieve automatically many pages.
Of course with a.*|e.*|i.*|o.*|u.* some pages could still escape: the old trick for a comprehensive (all pages) search is to use "la totale" "the | of | to | and | a | in | is | it | you | that | he | was | for | on | are | with | as | I | his | they | be | at | one | have | this | from | or | had | by | hot | word | but | what | some | we | can | out | other | were | all | there | when | up | use | your | how | said | an | each | she | which | do | their | time | if | will | way | about | many | then | them | write | would | like | so | these | her | long | make | thing | see | him | two | has | look | more | day | could | go | come | did | number | sound | no | most | people | my | over | know | water | than | call | first | who | may | down | side | been | now | find | any | new | work | part | take | get | place | made | live | where | after | back | little | only | round | man | year | came | show | every | good | me | give | our | under" (or some variants thereof, there's a 32 words upper limit since 2005).
Now the problem is that -for crappy patent enforcement reasons- many pages ARE BLOCKED FOR ALL USERS (both in google and in amazon) even for books like this, that should be in the public domain.
And you cannot easily retrieve all pages of abook through googlebooks. through the above query, you'll easily gather enough arrows in order to find your targets (patented or not) elsewhere on our lovely deep and fathomless wide web :-)

Google books galore
It is worth pointing out that seekers have recently (March 2009) found the way to -ahem- "recuperate integrally" most (if not all) among the million books scanned and stored by googlebooks... cum bona pace of the most vociferous and patent-obsessed lackeys of the patent holders' mafias. While this can be easily accomplished by any educated seeker, we did choose NOT to create an ad hoc script to avoid commercial misuses by the unwashed and low life leechers.
If you are interested in this, visit and peruse the seeker's messageboard, where you'll quikly find (use our amazing "namazu" search engine) more than enough hints and/or more detailed explanations...


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